We are very excited about  Small Groups this Spring at the Pentecostals of Louisville.  

What is a Small Group?
A group of 8-12 people, that meet once a month, centered around a specific and consistent  common activity or "Verb". (biking, golfing, board game night, baking...)

What is a Small Group Leader?
By submitting this Form, you are requesting to be a SMALL GROUP LEADER. You are seeking to minister by leading a consistent meeting around a common activity or verb, while carrying yourself with the utmost  integrity and character, as you represent The Pentecostals of Louisville and, far more importantly, Jesus Christ. 

Upon the completion of your form, it will be reviewed, and you will be contacted. If approved, you will be required to attend a short small group leadership training session. We will reached out to you to schedule specific dates for your group taking into account your preferred dates and other small group schedules.

Small Group Leader Responsibility
  • Scheduled monthly meetings
  • Regular communication with Church leadership 
  • Attentive to small group members
  • Lastly, Intentional about creating a joyful and encouraging culture with one's group.

Our purpose is simple and can be summed up in three key points:
  1. Fellowship- "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers." Acts 2:42 KJV
  2. Relational Discipleship- "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." Proverbs 27:17
  3. Perspective-  Moses' father-in-law advised Moses to set overseers to minister to the people. The Apostles established deacons and others to see and minister to the body.  A Small Group Leader can be the nerve endings of the Church used to care for the hurting, see the needs of the Saints, and recognize the giftings and callings of those in their group.

Leadership Qualifications

  • Regular Church Attendance
  • Responsive to Church Leadership
  • Able to run one meeting a month
  • Able to communicate consistently with small group members


  • Cannot change groups approved activity.
  • No unapproved outside speakers.
  • Must maintain a godly conduct and clean environment.
  • Must maintain target age and audience through semester in order to not undercut other small group's attendance.


Dates to Remember:

SUNDAY Feb 28— Due date for Small Group Submissions. Can be submitted on app and Website.

Small group fair will be Sunday March 2
Our Small group semester will run from March ( After fair) - May  
Each group will have at least 3 meetings - one per month.